Monday, April 03, 2006

Chicken Little Makers Quit Disney

(ContactMusic) – Randy Fullmer, who produced Disney's Chicken Little, and Mark Dindal, who directed it, have quietly quit the company, the animation website reported. In an interview, both Fullmer and Dindal denied that the takeover of Disney's animation business by Pixar execs played any part in their decision to leave. Fullmer said that he just wanted to "do my own things for awhile," adding: "It was great to work with 400 people in that sort of collaborative thing but it would just be nice to go back and be an individual artist for awhile." Dindal said that he was interested in making a film combining live action with animation. "I started to save up some money so that I could strike out for about a year and see what I could do as far as trying to get a film along those lines." He did not indicate whether he had approached Disney about such a project.

Sure. Voluntarily leaving what is now the most powerful animation studio on the planet makes a lot of sense.

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