LAKE BUENA VISTA (Orlando Sentinel) – Calvin's got rhythm – and scientists are excited, since the Disney performer weighs 450 pounds and breathes through a blowhole. A 12-year-old Atlantic bottlenose dolphin living in the backwaters of Epcot at Walt Disney World, Calvin is being taught a vocal form of communication that involves the cadence of his sounds, something that's never been done before with animals, his researchers said. He is one of four dolphins that spend much of the day swimming around Epcot's Living Seas attraction to the delight of customers, then moonlight at Disney as scientific research subjects. Calvin stars in an experiment that has scientists exploring whether dolphins can communicate with language that doesn't rely on the pitch, timbre or intensity of vocalizations – the variations that humans most typically use to form words – but on the sounds' duration and rhythm. Think Morse code: One long sound could mean one thing. A bunch of quick sounds uttered in staccato might mean another. In a project overseen by New College of Florida psychology professor Heidi Harley, Disney researchers and trainers are teaching Calvin to associate such rhythms with specific objects. The trainer, normally Disney marine mammal specialist Leslie Larsen-Plott though others take turns, holds up an object. If Calvin responds by vocalizing the right rhythm, he gets a fish. A basketball, for example, is identified with chirp pause chirp pause chirp pause, a rhythm that researchers dubbed the "dribble." Chirp pause long whistle means the Batman action figure. Long whistle pause long whistle pause long whistle is the watering can. So far, Calvin has seven rhythms down, and two more to go in the first phase. Harley has presented some of their findings at two scientific conferences, for the Acoustical Society of America and the Comparative Cognition Society. The next step is to see if Calvin can find objects when the trainers play back recordings of his rhythmic sounds. Perhaps some day they might see if dolphins could communicate with each other with the rhythms.
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